with Eleni Tongidou

Participatory Installation and Performace
PACT Atelier No 68 - Under Way, Zeche Zollverein, Essen

April 14 2023

A hybrid choreography of objects in space, IM/MOBILE STATE started with an installation and evolved in a durational performance.

Together with Eleni Tongidou I created a site-specific, room-filling mobilé, made from objects and materials found in PACT Zollverein and its surroundings. Parallel, the objects were 3D scanned, and a digital archive established.

The viewers were invited to contribute to the construction process by collecting, selecting or adding objects and materials - these could be organic materials, found objects, a jacket, a lipstick, an apple or a chair.  The installation was constantly changing and evolving throughout the evening.

At the conclusion of the performance, all objects were returned to their previous physical location.
The virtualised mobilé will remain open to digital participation.
